It does what it should, but not in the same way as many of the more expensive equalizer I've owned have. Instead of being able to adjust all seven bands on all your speakers this one splits so there are 3 frequencies that adjust rear speakers and the 4 left adjust the front speakers. Not terrible or anything but as far as the reasoning why this would be done I dont see. Most cars these days have identical speakers from the factory in both the front and back so dividing up the frequencies makes little sense as even when aftermarket speakers that replace them would also be likely identical. It only would be an advantage if your rear speakers were larger and capable of more low end than the front set. I dislike the pots and prefere sliders for adjusting an eq but those are harder to find these days. Good value for the price so far at least.
The knobs are not really all aligned and some stick out more than others. Bugs me a little bit as it is a sign of cheap labor but I'll have to wait and see how long it will stay working right, works well uh
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